Interventions for Large Groups

Interventions for Large Groups


Methods that promote organisational change

They involve the participation of all people who effect or who are affected by change, both within the organisation (employees and management) and external to the organisation (clients and partners).

The methodology generates commitment by involving people in processes of co-creation, joint reflection, analysis, problem solving and decision sharing.

The objective is to create dialogue and convergence fields when constructing a collaborative future.


Methods for creating the future:
The Search Conference, Future Search, Strategic Planning Process, Real Time Strategic Change

Methods for re-designing work and the organisation:
Conference Model, Fast Cycle Full Participation Work Design, Real Time Work Design, Participative design

Methods for dealing with challenges and finding solutions for day-to-day issues related to the nature of the work, interdependencies, policies and procedures:
Simu-Real, Work-Out, Open Space Technology, Large Scale Interactive Events