Culture and Leadership

Because we know that culture is the source of competitive advantage, at Business Setting we create more sustainable organisations by developing more mindful leadership practices, and activation of Organisations’ collective intelligence. Our proposal is to contribute to increasing levels of happiness, of engagement, and balance in people, and vitality in the productivity of Organisations, acting on three levels of intervention.

It is the solidity and strength of the company’s human and social system that will determine its ability to develop the
economic system, lead with change and be capable of adapting!

Crozier e Friedberg, 1977

Culture operating principles


Systems centred on human needs are more balanced and generate bigger and better levels of performance.


Human and business development are not worlds apart. One is not possible without the other.


Greater levels of awareness and agility produce more sustainable results.


Changes to the field of collective dialogue and the levels of participation and engagement make it possible to lead more effectively, with the uncertainty and complexity of the context.


We use knowledge to produce action, based on 60 years of scientific research on human and organisational behaviour.

Individual Transformation Services

The most recent theory of change and development in adults shows that extrinsic change is deeply interdependent on intrinsic change. For this reason, at Business Setting we develop leaders with a comprehensive approach, using the resource of Leadership Circle Profile 360º ®.

Our Services
Leadership Circle Profile 360º
Assessment & Feedback

Executive Coaching
ICF-certified coaches with regular supervision practice support coachees in activating their potential and realising their aspirations and objectives, using a systemic approach, which presupposes the involvement of key system stakeholders through feedback processes.
Contact us to meet our team:

Everything we see on the outside is a reflection of what we are inside.
To lead deep changes in organisations, it’s necessary to address the process of cognitive, emotional and behavioural transformation of each Leader.

Team Transformation Services

“In a real sense all life is inter-related. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. (…) This is the inter-related structure of reality.”

Martin Luther King

One of the biggest leadership challenges today is developing teams’ collective intelligence. The speed at which the market is changing and a growing increase in uncertainty and ambiguity leads to levels of complexity and unpredictability in management to which single leaders no longer have an answer. Today, strategy, strategic innovation and solving challenges all require new ways of working – more collaborative, where decision making is shared by teams – and the creation of more participatory leadership cultures with more dialogue and productive conflict at all levels of the organisation.

Explore our Team Transformation Services

Organisational Culture Transformation Services

Organisational culture is an organisation’s collective capacity to lead within the contexts of change, and to be successful. 70 years of research on change in organisations shows that the success rate of these processes is around 15% to 25%, and that the reasons are repeatedly related to organisational culture. A 15% to 25% success rate represents thousands of wasted investments and hours of work, which places a paradox around the role of leadership in managing these processes.

There can be no effective transformation and change if there is no space for changing and developing the culture – changes in the way people and teams think, communicate, relate to one another and behave.

and Designing Culture

and Systemic Approach

with U Theory


The complexity of human motivation, the speed of change, the entrance of new generations to the workplace and new variables coming into the equation of compensation (valuing happiness, balance and a career as a set of learning experiences) make agility and creativity in leadership imperative.

The Leadership Programmes and Workshops have the objective of creating a new type of leadership. They are aimed at leaders who intend to evolve control and compliance-based leadership models into more creative models that call for the distribution of leadership and the use of the organisation’s collective intelligence and potential.

The choice of intervention programme determines the depth and scale of change. All programmes have the objective of developing the ability to think, relate and act in leaders, in their teams and in the organisation as a whole.

Programmes and Workshops


Culture Setting adds a team of associates, specialists in their areas of activity, with recognition in the national and international market.
Each of these associates develops their activity independently and autonomously, and is associated with Culture Setting to develop exclusive projects that stand out.

They share a set of values and principles, and the same way of being and doing when it comes to client consultancy. Their skills complement each other and intersect to implement each mission and each project in an unparalleled way.

They all hold ICF certification, but each one has different levels of certification and experience, enabling a greater diversity of profiles and a more adequate fit for each client and project.
The team may be increased or reduced depending on the scope of intervention of each project.

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